12th August 2022

Summer Sustainability at South Farm – How Green is My Land?

South Farm > News > News & Blog > Summer Sustainability at South Farm – How Green is My Land?

Our long standing, eco-friendly policies make our sustainable wedding venue a happy and beautiful place to be! Our lawns are so green and our homegrown fruit, vegetables and herbs so happy because, some time ago, we drilled a borehole which provides all our own water. It goes 156 feet deep into the Greensand, the purest water source in England.

We use our very own sustainable water source to keep our gardens and grounds looking lush and green as well as watering all our organically grown produce in our small-holding. Our eco-friendly water source also provides all our non-drinking water, then goes back into the soil or through our treatment plant then back to the ponds and reed beds, all helping nature.

We are so lucky, and we believe really quite unique as an eco friendly wedding venue, not to depend on mains supplies and drains and this makes us self-sufficient. So if you see us watering our lawns we are doing this solely from our own sustainable water-source which means we can maintain a beautiful backdrop for your wedding, whatever the season, whatever the weather!

Please get in touch to discuss your wedding plans and to book a visit to South Farm. We’d love to show you around our beautiful countryside wedding venue and tell you more about sustainability at South Farm and our longstanding eco-friendly values!

Many thanks to South Farm for a dream wedding

Andrea Gallego & Steve READ MORE

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